Dr. jur. Nikolaus Geiben
also certified specialist in Sussession Law
also certified specialist in Bank Law
Diplôme de Droit Français (Grenoble)
Office Saarlouis
Main areas of practice:
- Succession Law
- Law of contract
- Commercial Law
- Real estate Law
- International Private Law and European Law
Foreign languages:
- French
- English
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Member of the Arbeitskreises Wirtschaft (AKW) Saarland
- Member of the German French Lawyer Association
- Member of the Club des Affaires Saar-Lorraine
- Chairman of the Rights Committee of the sports Association Saarländischer Kegler e.V. (SSK)
- Member of the Saarländischer Anwaltsverein (bar Association of the Saarland) and the Deutschen Anwaltsverein (German Bar Association):

Further qualifications: